Commencing in 2011, the G16 Group of Like-Minded coastal States have met prior to each of the IOTC’s Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria (TCAC) and the IOTC Annual Commission Meetings to discuss and align views on key IOTC issues. The G16 has held more than 30 sessions (and counting) to deliberate on matters before the IOTC.
S33:G16 Coastal States meeting in Bangkok,Thailand. - Oct 2022, , .<br />S32:G16 Coastal States preparatory meeting ahead of IOTC S26 annual session. - Apr 2022, , .<br />2021
S31: G16 Virtual Meeting in preparation for TCAC10 - Dec 2021, , .<br />S30: G16 Meeting on Reviewing draft Allocation proposal for TCAC09 - Nov 2021, , .<br />S29: G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Preparatory Meeting prior to TCAC09 and SS5 - Oct 2021, , .<br />S28: G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Preparatory Meeting prior to TCAC08 - Jun 2021, , .<br />S27: G16 Coastal States preparatory meeting ahead of IOTC S25 annual session. - May 2021, , .<br />S26: G16 Coastal States preparatory meeting ahead of IOTC S25 annual session. - May 2021, , .<br />S25: G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Meeting on Reviewing of proposals Submitted for SS4. - Feb 2021, , .<br />S24: G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Meeting on the rebuilding of yellowfin tuna. - Jan 2021, , .<br />2020
S23 - Meeting to Discuss Proposal for the IOTC Annual Meeting in Nov 2020 - Sep 2020, , .<br />S22 : G16 Meeting on Review Proposal for TCAC06 and IOTC-Annual Meeting - Jan 2020, , .<br />2019
S21 : G16 Pre-S23 Meeting in Hyderabad - Jun 2019, , .<br />S20 : G16 Meeting - on formulating of proposal for the S22 - Apr 2019, , .<br />S19 : G16 Meeting - on reviewing allocation proposal - Mar 2019, , .<br />2018
S18 : G16 Pre-S22 Meeting in BKK - May 2018, , .<br />S17 : G16 Coastal States Meeting on Allocation of Fishing Opportunities #4 - Mar 2018, , .<br />S16 : Pre-TCAC04 Meting in Seychelles - Feb 2018, , .<br />S15 : G16 Meeting on Reviewing Allocation Proposal - Jan 2018, , .<br />2017
S14 : G16 Coastal States Meeting on Allocation of Fishing Opportunities #3 - Aug 2017, , .<br />S13 : Pre-Meeting of the G16 Coastal States prior to S21 (Yogyakarta) - May 2017, , .<br />S12 : G16 Coastal States Meting on Allocation of Fishing Opportunities #2 - Apr 2017, , .<br />S11 : G16 Coastal States Meting on Allocation of Fishing Opportunities #1 - Jan 2017, , .<br />2016
S10 : Pre-Meeting of the G16 Coastal States prior to S20 (Reunion) - May 2016, , .<br />S09 : Pre-TCAC03 Meeting in Kish Island - Feb 2016, , .<br />S08 : G16 Indian Ocean Coastal States Meeting on Harvest Control Rule - Feb 2016, , .<br />2015
S07 : Pre-Meetings for the Coastal States prior to S19 (Busan) - Apr 2015, , .<br />2014
S06 : Pre-Meetings for the Coastal States prior to S18 (Colombo) - May 2014, , .<br />2013
S05 : Pre-Meetings for the Coastal States prior to S17 (Mauritius) - May 2013, , .<br />S04 : Pre-TCAC02 Meeting - On Rights-Based Management - Apr 2013, , .<br />2012
S03 : Pre-Meeting for the Coastal States Prior to IOTC-S16 (Perth) - Apr 2012, , .<br />2011
S02 : Meeting of Coastal States on Rights-based Management of Fisheries - Apr 2011, , .<br />S01: Pre-Meeting to the First Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria - Feb 2011, , .<br />
The G16 is a group of like-minded coastal states of the Indian Ocean who has a common objective – the sustainable utilization of Indian Ocean tuna and tuna-like resources for the benefit and future of all coastal states.
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