The Seafood Champion Awards annually recognise individuals and companies for outstanding leadership in promoting environmentally responsible seafood. SeaWeb Seafood Summit was held in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2019, to honor four winners and 17 finalists for advancing seafood sustainability.
G16 Group was one of the four finalists in the Seafood Champion Advocacy, together with Stephen Fisher, Francisco Blaha and COMEPESCA. Together with the other finalists, SeaWeb recognised the G16 Group for the important work they are doing. The G16 Group of Like-Minded Coastal States of the Indian Ocean is an informal group that got started at the margins of the first meeting of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Technical Committee on Allocation Criteria in February 2011. Since then, the G16-Group have been meeting regularly prior to each TCAC and annual Commission meetings. More recently, the Group has been active, having meetings at various times of the year, but largely focused on drafting proposals important to the coastal states. So far, 19 meetings of the G16 Group have been held with participants representing 15 to 17 coastal states of the Indian Ocean.
Francisco Blaha was chosen as the winner of the Seafood Champion Award for Advocacy and the G16 Group was chosen as the runner-up of the Seafood Champion Award for Advocacy.
See the original news article published in SeaWeb about this – link here