

Thailand has a coastline of 3,219 km, and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of nearly 299,397 square km, the 64th largest in the world. In 2018, Thailand had no fishing vessel operating in the high seas of Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Area of Competence. Purse seine was the main fishing method used by Thai vessels to target tuna and tuna-like species within the EEZ. In 2018, 238 domestic purse seiners operated within the EEZ of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. They caught 136 251 t of pelagic fish and the average catch rate was 31.16 t/day. The total catch comprised of round scad (31.34%), Indian mackerel (13.04%), neritic tunas (11.14%), Big-eye scad (9.36%), king mackerel (0.35%) and other species 34.78%.

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