
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has traditionally relied on fish as an important element of animal protein supply for its population. Sri Lanka has a coastline of 1 340 km and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of about 510,000 square km . Over 4,000 multi-day boats were engaged in large pelagic fishing, both in the high seas and within the EEZ. In 2018, 1,337 vessels were authorised to fish in the high seas and only 1,164 vessels were active. Of these, 28%, 14% and 16% of vessels exclusively operated for longline, gillnet and for ring nets, respectively. The total production of tuna and tuna-like species in 2018 was 114 374 t and 82% of the total catch was made within the EEZ. Skipjack tuna (40,000 t) and yellowfin tuna (40,000 t) accounted for 70% of the total catch, billfish 15% and bigeye tuna 3%. Swordfish dominated the billfish catch.

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