Seychelles has a coastline of 491 km, comprising 115 1slands and an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 1.3 million square km. In 2018, there were 13 purse seine vessels and seven supply vessels. The total catch of the purse seiners was 123 310 t and the majority of the catch consisted of skipjack tuna (66%) and yellowfin tuna (28%). The industrial longline fleet comprised of 54 vessels in 2018. The total catch reported by the industrial longline fleet was estimated at 11 066 t and comprised of yellowfin tuna (29%), oilfish (24%), bigeye tuna (20%) and swordfish (13%). The semi-industrial fishery comprised of 30 vessels in 2018. The total catch recorded by the semi-industrial fishery was 1,266 t and the majority of the catch consisted of yellowfin tuna (66%), swordfish (18%) and bigeye tuna (9%).